NAEA章程修正案 &

在9月22日的董事会会议上, NAEA董事会投票通过了章程修正案. 投票 结果 w于2023年12月19日宣布. 的 approved changes include the elimination of the 30-hour CE requirement for NAEA membership, 双重会员资格要求, 以及NAEA的津贴 建立 章. 修正案将于2024年9月1日生效. 有关这些变化的更多信息将在未来几个月公布. 

审查 章程修订:  

重要提示:这些修正案正在提交和表决中 分别.

例如:如果创建章节的修正案通过, 但取消双重成员资格的方案没有, then the bylaws provisions in Article IV that pertain to dual membership will remain. This is why they are being presented by issue with only the items that pertain to that issue amended in the bylaws article presented.

的 proposed changes are not contingent upon one another and the membership can vote to adopt all, 没有一个, 或者是这些修正案的结合. 





了解更多, please review the following presentations outlining the proposed new chapter and the affiliate structures. Please note: these are in draft form and may be subject to change based on member feedback, 新兴的信息, 以及董事会决定的结果.





NAEA members who are active enrolled agents will still have to meet the IRS continuing education requirements. 他们仍然会 需要 得到 72小时 of CE every three years, with a minimum of 16 hours per year, and two credits of ethics each year.  

Why is the NAEA 组件结构专责小组 proposing changes to the NAEA and affiliates model?

  • 目前的附属机构结构在许多领域不起作用.  
  • 招募新的志愿者领导一直很困难, 当前附属机构结构的重要组成部分.  
  • Member engagement, member services, and member value vary widely among the state affiliates.  
  • 我们需要适应成员国不断变化的需求和利益.  
  • 人们想要最能满足他们需求的选择. 的y don’t want to pay for something that is not providing value or is not of interest to them.  
  • 会员人数多年来一直在稳步下降, and we need to remove the barriers to entry for membership in the states and NAEA.  
  • Additional engagement opportunities for members who don’t live in active, affiliated geographies.  


  • 国家分支机构将继续像现在一样运作, but NAEA members will no longer 需要 to be a member of a state affiliate unless they choose to do so. State affiliates may need to undergo bylaws changes to remove the 双重会员资格要求 in their bylaws as well. A state affiliate will maintain its separate incorporation and continues to be bound by all nonprofit laws and reporting regulations.State affiliates will also continue to maintain a chartered relationship with NAEA and will continue to work with NAEA to support all members. 的 state affiliate would be responsible for all 行政 and operational functions.


  • An affiliate would dissolve their current incorporation and become a component of NAEA. 这消除了对单独治理结构的需求.  
  • 没有单独的分会会费.
  • 本分会的经费来自附属公司的储备金, 事件净利, 以及NAEA年度预算.
  • 不会有双重成员, but a member would be a member of the chapter based on geographic region unless the member opts into a different chapter.  
  • NAEA将提供所有业务, 行政, and support services so state/local efforts could be focused on member engagement and member services. Committees, programming, and engagement would be led by local volunteers and supported by NAEA.
  • 该分会不需要章程或董事会. A local leadership committee or project/special interest group committees would drive member engagement.  
  • 本章不需要维持IRS CE批准, 一个网站, 一个数据库, 市场营销/通讯软件, 或者被要求提交纳税申报表.  


  • 成员就某一特定主题的虚拟“会议场所”.g.、数字资产、能源信贷、行业新ea)  
  • SIGs do not have to be in a geographic region; they can span the whole NAEA membership.  


  • 的re will be no increase in the first year beyond the regular annual increase. 的re could be possible nominal increases needed in the future to support additional member programs and activities. Dues are determined each year by the NAEA 董事会 through the annual budget process.


We strive to create an NAEA structure such that all members receive more services, 更有效地, 而且要有比当前结构所能提供的更多的参与. 多年来会员人数不断下降, NAEA’s 董事会 created the 组件结构专责小组 in 2022 to:   

  • Identify if there are structural or governance issues contributing to membership losses.  
  • Evaluate NAEA’s membership requirements to identify potential barriers to entry and membership retention risks.  
  • Explore and recommend potential governance models to encourage membership growth and improve member service and engagement on all levels, 并为长期增长提供可持续的模式.  
  • 想办法为没有加入的州或外国的会员服务.  


  • 保持NAEA会员资格的年度30小时CE要求.  
  • NAEA和州附属机构之间的双重会员要求.  
  • 的 inconsistencies in member service and engagement at the state and local levels.  


  • 取消每年30小时的CE规定.
  • 删除双重NAEA/州成员资格要求.
  • A three-pronged approach to a structural change to address the various needs of all affiliated and unaffiliated members:
    • 支持独立分支机构.
    • 建立NAEA分会.
    • 创建特殊兴趣或地理组(SIG)作为NAEA的新社区.

5月19日, 2023年的会议, the board voted to send these proposed amendments to the bylaws and governance committee. 这些修正案经批准后将于9月15日提交给各成员. 22、2023年董事会会议.


椅子: Gary Anspach, EA 

 副主席: David Tolleth, EA 


Terry Durkin, EA
Lonnie Gary, EA
Lynn Jacobs, EA
Bob Kerr, EA
Michelle Lonsway, EA
Jill Ping, EA


我们创造了一个新的 NAEA成员网络板上的讨论线程 为会员提供一个分享意见的地方, 问问题, 并讨论拟议的章程变更.  我们也有 安排了一系列的市政厅会议 for you to learn more about why these changes are being recommended and how this will impact your membership.

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